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« on: January 30, 2010, 07:23:13 am »
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[Note:  this newspaper was filmed slightly out of focus?it is very difficult to read.
Many articles were skipped because they were illegible.]

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[LITTLE ROCK] OLD-LINE DEMOCRAT, April 5, 1860, p. 3, c. 1

The K. G. C's.

            The K. G. C.'s are collecting in considerable numbers at New Orleans.  Gen. Bickley, the commander-in-chief, col. Temple, and Surgeon Semple, are at the St. Louise Hotel; Gen. Greer, who is well known as one of the bravest volunteer colonels from Mississippi during the recent war, and who now commands a division of the K. G. C., together with Major Richardson, one of his staff officers, and Col. H. C. Young, of Memphis, who commands the First Tennessee Regiment, are at the City Hotel; while others, as Captain Scott and Lieut. Breese, are at the Merchants'; Capt. Gray, the wagon master, is at the Texas Home; and still many others of note and character are at the St. Charles, or quartered with private friends in the city.  Besides, says the N. O. Courier, there are hundreds of our own citizens in hourly contact with these gentlemen, so that one can not but inquire, "What's in the wind?"  The K. G. C. or "Knights of the Golden Circle," was organized in 1854, more to cultivate the martial spirit of our people than anything else; since then it has steadily grown, until now it numbers over 30,000 members, who are scattered over the Southern States, and holding within its charmed circle many of our most influential men and best soldiers.  No organization of the kind has in this country ever combined so much talent with such immense financial resources, and under the present aspect of political affairs, we do not deem it too much to say that the whole nation may soon become deeply interested in the ultimate labors of the K. G. C.
            It is generally understood that the K. G. C. are preparing to operate in the broad field which civil war has opened in Mexico to American enterprise and industry.

[LITTLE ROCK] OLD-LINE DEMOCRAT, August 16, 1860, p. 2, c. 2
            Knights of the Golden Circle.?General Bickley has published an address to the Knights of the Golden Circle, requesting them to repair to their Texas encampment by the 15th of September.  He declares the object of the association to be to Americanize and Southernize Mexico.  The Knights will go to Mexico as emigrants, under the sanction of the Mexican government.  The order is said to number fifty thousand members, with a capital of one million of dollars.  Texas has subscribed nearly half a million of dollars, and a general call is made upon other States to donate liberally, as the object is to establish a Southern confederacy.

[LITTLE ROCK] OLD-LINE DEMOCRAT, September 20, 1860, p. 2, c. 7
            Knights of the Golden Circle.?It is a fact well known to all who read the public journals of the day that there is a party in the Southern portion of this Union that has been organized for the purpose of colonizing Mexico.  This party is known as the Knights of the Golden Circle, and have continued to increase so rapidly that from five men, they have in three years reached the formidable number of fifty thousand.  These men were scattered through the country from the mountains of Virginia to the Gulf of Mexico, and for some time have been awaiting orders to concentrate at some point convenient to the scene of their future operations.  Gradually these men have been sent through the country, and are now collecting on the confines of Texas.  Already large numbers of them are concentrated in that State, and this nucleus is being surrounded by men from all the various States.
            The first movement of the K. G. C's from Virginia will take place to-morrow from the little town of Hampton.  One company, in command of a competent officer and a worthy Virginia gentleman, will embark for Texas, and will then inaugurate the exodus of the K. G. C's.  That the object of this organization is to change the political and social principles of the country to which they go, there is little doubt, for they avow this their purpose; but they do not go unlawfully armed, at least from here; they profess to go as peaceful citizens and will revolutionize that unhappy country not by fire and sword, but by settling in sufficient numbers within its borders, and changing and making wholesome laws, and seeing that they are enforced.  They are going to introduce Anglo-Saxon energy and American prudence among a people who have heretofore been incapable of self-government, and who are actually inviting them to come and teach them how to live and be happy.
            The movement of these men toward the Rio Grande is pregnant with much importance to the South, and is the commencement of a grand programme that has been preparing for several years.?Norfolk Day Book.
[LaGrange, TX] TRUE ISSUE Scattered issues, 1860-1864

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[LAGRANGE, TX] TRUE ISSUE, January 20, 1860, masthead
            "A family paper devoted to news, literature, morality, and the dissemination of useful knowledge."
            "Our country, our state, the South, and the Union."

[LAGRANGE, TX] STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, March 7, 1861, p. 3, c. 2
            Texas K. G. C. State Convention.?We reached home from the Convention of the K. G. C. held in San Antonio on the 22nd ult., too late to furnish our readers with a full report of its doings.  Geo. W. Chilton, of Tyler, was elected Marshal of Texas Division; Jas. Vance, of San Antonio, State Treasurer; the editor of this paper State Printer; Elkanah Greer, of Marshal, General of Eastern Brigade; John S. Ford, of Austin, General of Middle Brigade, and John A. Wilcox, of San Antonio, General of the Western Brigade.  So it will be seen that measures were taken to effect a thorough organization throughout the State.  The Convention tendered the services of the Order to the authorities of Texas.  The Order is in a flourishing condition in this Division, and numbers about eight thousand of the best and bravest of Southern soldiers.  We shall publish the full proceedings of the convention in our next issue.

[LAGRANGE, TX] STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, May 16, 1861, p. 1, c. 4-5
An Address to the
Knights of the Gol-
den Circle in Texas.
By C. A. Russel.
                                                                                                                                                                              (For the Democrat.)
            Brother Knights:  Believing that a word of advice and admonition is called for and may be beneficial to many of our brethren in the present hour of doubt as to the future, I thus address you through the public press.
            Since the commencement of our organization in Texas, events have rapidly transpired which prove the truth of our principles and a necessity of our existence.
            The political troubles which are gathering thickly around us, were to each of you clearly foretold, and you have been forewarned to prepare for the emergency.  If you have not done so, it is not because you were not aware of the necessity for preparation, (for that has held a prominent place in our teachings); but because you were disposed to hope against reason and put far away the evil day.  But the time has come to shake off the idle day dreams of peace, and prepare for battle.  No vain hope can now hover over us.  There is no room for hope.  No idle words are now needed, but strong arms and willing hearts.  War is upon us; our homes and firesides are threatened with invasion.  I need not exhort you to arm and prepare for the conflict, for it there is one among us who is not ready and willing to do to the extent of his ability, he is not a true Knight, and to such this is not addressed.  I know of none such nor do I believe that such have entered within the pale of knighthood.  But while I am satisfied of your patriotism and your bravery, I am fearful that many may forget amid the absorbing events of the day, the obligation which they owe to the Order of Knighthood in which we claim to be brethren.  I believe that wherever, we may be scattered as individuals we shall be true to the principles upon which our Order is founded, but am fearful we shall not be sufficiently mindful of that part of our obligation which relates to the machinery by which we expect to spread and perpetuate those principles.  Upon that point I admonish every member of the Order to be attentive and vigilant.  Use every opportunity that may offer to establish the working machinery of the Order until our Castles shall arise like monuments all over the land.  You will find, as did the Knights of old, in your Castles a sure defence against the assault of your enemies. Slander and misrepresentation in their attempts to poison all that is good among men, have not entirely overlooked us.  I have been told that such an organization as ours, would become an evil in that hour when our country needed the services of her sons in battle.  That petty jealousies and a spirit of party monopoly would prevent us from taking part in active warfare, unless we could be called into service as a body with our own officers and organization.  Whether this opinion of us is well founded I leave for you, brother Knights, by your actions to say.  I am satisfied that the result will disprove the assertion.  We have taught no such practice.  I admonish you to go forth wherever your country may call singly or in companies, as circumstances may require.  But do not let the stirring events of war cause you to forget the principles that have been taught you, and do not forget that those with whom your lot may be cast, may become, by y our teachings and through your instrumentality, linked together by the iron hand of a common brotherhood as Knights of the true faith.  Wherever you may go you may sow the seed that shall bring forth fruits of blessing to our country and glory to our Order.  Carry out our principles, and slander shall become dumb before the chivalrous acts of our brethren.  Do this, and the world will soon understand that there is one brotherhood of men founded upon patriotism, whose only object is to build up an Order that shall be ever ready to advance the institutions of our country and defend them at the point of the sword.  Do not however allow party pride to enter our Castles or in any manner influence your actions.  Remember that the principles which we teach, and desire to propagate, existed before our order was founded, and would continue to exist were it to be dissolved and vanish into thin air.  Remember that we claim nothing by our organization but a desire to serve our country by teaching those principles and uniting together all good men for their maintenance and defence.  And remember that we can only accomplish this fully by paying due attention to the machinery of castle organization, which constitutes the working tools of the Order.  If duty calls you from home, build up monuments of our Order in your pathway, and if you are permitted to remain and enjoy the comforts of home, there you will find our work to perform.  Arouse the military spirit of your neighbors, organize them into companies and teach them military tactics and science.  Carry out the recommendations of our Governor in his late proclamation, until every able-bodied Texan shall be enrolled as a citizen soldier for the defence of our State; impress upon this citizen soldiery the importance of military drill as a means by which men can be commanded and made to move in concert and harmony at the command of their officers, as the necessities of the moment may require.  All this is in accordance with the spirit of our Organization and therefore in the direct line of our duty as K. G. C.
            Brother Knights, carry out our principles according to these suggestions and we shall be able to meet the troublous times as become FREEMEN, and when the pending storm shall have passed, should other work demand our attention, the K. G. C. will be prepared for action.

January - July, 1861 

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Knights of the Golden Circle.

            By an order of Gen. Bickly we learn that he has been laboring in Kentucky since the first of February last, principally in Louisville and has added to the order one thousand four hundred and forty-three members, five hundred and thirty four of whom have been sent to the army of the Confederate States.  Two regiments are now being formed in the State to be held subject to the orders of the Governor.  The order has now seventeen thousand six hundred and forty-three men in the field, and the president has no hesitation in saying that the number can be duplicated if necessity requires. 

March, 1861 ? July, 1861

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MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL [MEMPHIS, TN], May 7, 1861, p. 2, c. 4

Knights of the Golden Circle.                                                                                                                                            Headquarters, Army of K. G. C.,                                                                                                                                               Louisville, Ky., May 1, 1861.

            1.  Commandants of K. G. C. castles throughout the various States of the South, excepting Texas, are hereby ordered to forward, without delay, to general headquarters, at Louisville, Ky., complete muster rolls of military companies.  If the military organization of a castle is not completed, the commandant will take immediate steps to have it done.  Each company, when organized, shall consist of one captain, one first lieutenant, two second lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals, two musicians and ninety privates.
            2.  Castles belonging to the Texas division will report to Gen. Geo. W. Chilton, marshal of di[illegible]on, at Tyler, Smith county, Texas, or to Col. Charles A. Russell, acting adjutant general, at Helena, Karnes county, Texas.  The president begs the order to respond fully and promptly to the call of Generals Chilton, Ford, Wilcox and Green, and stand on the defensive until our national troubles are ended.
            3.  All general, field and staff officers of the American legion will report immediately by letter or otherwise, to the president at Louisville, Ky.
            4.  The president begs to state for the information of the order that since the first of February last he has been laboring in Kentucky?principally in the city of Louisville?and has added to the order 1,483 members, 534 of whom have been sent to the army of the Confederate States.  Two regiments are now being formed in the State to be held subject to the orders of the Governor.  The order has now 17,643 men in the field, and the president has no hesitation in saying that the number can be duplicated if necessity requires.

George Bickley, K. G. C.,                                                                                                                     President of American Legion.


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« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 07:57:03 am by Christian »

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« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2010, 08:57:05 am »
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Just post a link, mate. Stop plagiarizing someone else's work. And while you are at it, type some of your own words rather than cut and paste someone else's words.


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« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 07:07:52 am »
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A Female Spy

August - October 1861

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MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL [MEMPHIS, TN], August 7, 1861, p. 2, c. 2
            A Female Spy.?The correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, writing from Western Virginia, says that a female spy has been discovered in the First Kentucky regiment.  She is from Georgia and enlisted at Cincinnati.  She was detected by writing information in regard to the movements of our troops to the enemy.  She is a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, says she knows the punishment of a spy is death, and is ready for her fate.  She is to be sent to Columbus.

March 4, 1861 - May 23, 1863

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SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY [ATLANTA, GA], August 7, 1861, p. 3, c. 3
                A Female Spy.--The correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, writing from Western Virginia, says a female spy has been discovered in the First Kentucky Regiment.  She is from Georgia, and enlisted at Cincinnati.  She was detected by writing information in regard to the movements of our troops to the enemy.  She is a member of the Knights of Golden Circle, says she knows the punishment of a spy is death, and is ready for her fate.  She is to be sent to Columbus.

August - December, 1861

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DAILY CONSTITUTIONALIST [AUGUSTA, GA], August 6, 1861, p. 3, c. 1
            A Female Spy.?The correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, writing from Western Virginia, says a female spy has been discovered in the First Kentucky Regiment.  She is from Georgia, and enlisted at Cincinnati.  She was detected by writing information in regard to the movements of our troops to the enemy.  She is a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, says she knows the punishment of a spy is death, and is ready for her fate.  She is to be sent to Columbus. 

January 1860 - December 1860
July 1861 - June 1862

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DAILY CHRONICLE & SENTINEL [AUGUSTA, GA], August 7, 1861, p. 1, c. 1
A Female Spy.--A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, writing from Western Virginia, says:  "A female spy has been discovered in the first Kentucky regiment.  She is from Georgia, and enlisted at Cincinnati.  She was detected by writing information in regard to the movements of our troops to the enemy.  She is a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, says she knows the punishment of a spy is death, and is ready for her fate.  She is to be sent to Columbus.

April 2, 1859 - February 8, 1860

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SOUTHERN BROAD-AXE [WEST POINT, MS], July 20, 1859, p. 2, c. 5
            A New Filibustering Expedition.?The New York Tribune gives an account of what is styled a new fililbustering expedition, now organizing, and to be called the "Knights of the Golden Circle."  It consists of two legions?one in the United States, and one in Cuba.  The Tribune, which contains its information from a printed circular, says:
            Each legion is to consist of ten thousand men and their officers, besides commissary, surgical and conveyance departments.  The American legion is to include a regiment of cavalry, a regiment of mounted riflemen, a regiment of artillery, five regiments of infantry, and a reserved guard.  The headquarters of this recent military organization appears to be the city of Baltimore, and the central authority seems to be bested in a war board, composed of a commander in chief and of brigadier generals, appointed or to be appointed one for each of the ten regiments.  From this board emanates the selection of colonels.  The colonels select their own inferior officers, who must, however, be approved by the colonels.  The colonel is also to select for himself a lieutenant-colonel and two majors, and the four together are to agree upon some suitable person for a brigadier-general, to be commissioned and placed on the general staff.  The chief business of the colonels and their inferior officers appears to be, at present, the enlistment of men and the raising of funds.
            The members are each to pay one dollar initiation fee, and also a weekly tax of ten cents.  A fund for the purchase of arms, ammunition and general outfit is to be raised by the sale of scrip, in which all the subordinate officers are to be employed.  This scrip is issued in sums of five, ten, twenty, fifty, or one hundred, or one thousand dollars, and is to be paid for either in cash, in powder, lead, iron, cotton cloth, red or blue flannel, tobacco, train oil, shoes, blankets, spades, etc., or partly in promissory notes of short dates.  The soldiers who may enlist in this expedition, are promised each a grant of six thousand four hundred acres of land, also seven dollars a month in specie and seven in scrip; arms, ammunition, uniforms, etc., to be furnished by the board of war before leaving American soil.  The men, it is stated, can pursue their ordinary business till November.

November 1, 1862 -- March 31, 1863

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NASHVILLE DISPATCH, October 3, 1862, p. 3, c. 1
            Order Concerning Searches and Seizures.?The following was issued on Wednesday by command of Gen. Negley:
General Order No. 8.
            Headquarters U. S. Forces,
            Nashville, Oct. 1, 1862. 
            I.  Numerous complaints are made to these Headquarters of searches on private premises and seizures of private property by unauthorized persons.
            II.  Hereafter no searches or seizures shall be made unless first approved at these Headquarters.  All private property seized for the use of the Government, must be turned over to the Post Commissary or Quartermaster, as the case may be, and properly accounted for.
            By command of
            Brigadier General Negley.
            James A. Lowrie, Captain and A. A. G.

NASHVILLE DISPATCH, March 13, 1863, p. 2, c. 1
            Billy Collier has sent us a little work entitled, "Incidents of the War, or the Romance and Realities of Soldier Life."  It is a medley of incidents and anecdotes of the war, some of which are very readable.  We notice the historical accuracy of some of them is very bad.
            He has also sent us what professes to be "An Authentic Exposition of the Knights of the golden Circle, or a History of Secession from 1834 to 1861, by a Member of the Order."

January 3, 1860 - July 10, 1864

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DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN [JACKSON, MS], November 30, 1860, p. 2, c. 2

Grand Rally of the "Minute Men."
The Minute Men will have a Grand Torch Light procession to-night.
An address will be delivered at the Capitol after the procession by the Hon. W. L. Harris.
 A general attendance is invited.


1st?Jackson Brass Band.
2d?Rocket Corps.
3d?Mississippi Rifles.
4th?Minute Men.
5th?Knights G. C.
6th?Citizens and Strangers.
7th?Jackson Fire Company.
8th?Jackson Guards.
9th?Mississippi Capital Dragoons.
10th?Quitman Light Artillery.

Procession will be formed on State Street in front of the Armory of Miss. Rifles.
Strangers who are with us in this move for Southern rights, are most cordially invited to join Procession.
It is desirable that all who join the Profession [sic?] should wear the Blue Cockade.
 Friday, Nov. 30th 1860.

WEEKLY MISSISSIPPIAN [JACKSON, MS], January 16, 1861, p. 2, c. 1

A Cheering Voice from Texas!
            Amid the din of warring sections, and the loud notes of feindish [sic] hate that are borne to us upon every gale from the North, the following letter comes from the Lone Star State as a messenger of sympathy in our struggle for independence.  I tis written by the hand, and is the emanation of the noble heart, of a lady, formerly of Mississippi, who illustrates the patriotism of her sex in this hour of trial, but not of gloom, for even now we look hopefully upon the silver lining of the cloud that shirts our horizon.
            Gladly will the men of Mississippi enter the lists to prove their sheild [sic] and spear in the championship of Southern rights and honor and the protection of Southern women:
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Vialoolah, Dec. 28th, 1860
            Dear Sir:--Enclosed you will find a "rosette," it combines the tricolor of the Texas flag with its Lone Star, and was the revolutionary badge.  It is now adopted as the distinctive badge of those Texas volunteers who are in readiness as "Minute Men," to answer the call of South Carolina, or any other Southern State.
            I send it to you that it may be worthily worn and bravely defended as the champion of lady's gage, challenge to chivalric and generous emulation the true knights of Mississippi to link their shields with the volunteers of Texas, advance their penons in the front of danger, and to him that plants his standard in the thickest of the fight be the award of valor and the prize of patriotism.
            Texas will be ready in full time to join her sister States in a Southern Confederacy. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Yours truly and respectfully,                                                                                                                                                                                                                        M. H. W.

Knights of the Golden Circle in the South for Twenty Years.
New York Times, September 26, 1863

Much earlier date for origin noted in this 1863 article-ccc

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« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 07:55:16 am by Christian »

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« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2010, 01:30:53 pm »
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I wouldn't call it plagarizing, as the sources are clearly identified.  I would question the value of repeating the same information ad nauseam though.  Why do you feel this is necessary cccalco?


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« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 01:35:35 pm by bigwater »

Anybody who says "it can't be done" will usually be interrupted by somebody who is already doing it.

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« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2010, 04:33:31 pm »
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Quote:Posted by bigwater
I wouldn't call it plagarizing, as the sources are clearly identified.  I would question the value of repeating the same information ad nauseam though.  Why do you feel this is necessary cccalco?

Fair use is typically a single paragraph or pull quote. What he's doing is using these forums so the spiders will get more hits. He's abusing them. Proper citations would be a single headline and a link to the actual page. Just like Christian does with the RSS and Atom feeds.


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« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2010, 07:53:17 am »
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Quote:Posted by bigwater
I wouldn't call it plagarizing, as the sources are clearly identified.  I would question the value of repeating the same information ad nauseam though.  Why do you feel this is necessary cccalco?

If you will look again you will see that none of the articles are repeated. Each and every one is a different newspaper article. If they appear to be numerous it is because they are. Even the articles on the "female spy" are from different newspapers. As for the link to our yahoogroup: it is for archival purposes.  We postulate no theories.


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« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2010, 05:22:14 am »
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Quote:Posted by cccalco
If you will look again you will see that none of the articles are repeated. Each and every one is a different newspaper article. If they appear to be numerous it is because they are. Even the articles on the "female spy" are from different newspapers. As for the link to our yahoogroup: it is for archival purposes.  We postulate no theories.

It's the same story again and again. Nothing new. No facts. Just typed words. Where are the newspapers themselves? Where are the archival records? All you have is transcriptions which could be fraught with errors. Question your sources instead of plagiarizing them.


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« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2010, 09:20:06 am »
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The Continental Monthly: devoted to literature and national policy
Volume 0001 Issue 5
May 1862

Title: The Knights of the Golden Circle
pp. 573-578

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« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2010, 09:37:31 am »
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WHATEVER= anyhow, I enjoyed reading it even if it was kinda long and drawn out-Thanks Fight


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« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2010, 11:46:36 am »
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Quote:Posted by GoldDigger1950
.... Where are the newspapers themselves? Where are the archival records? All you have is transcriptions which could be fraught with errors. Question your sources instead of plagiarizing them.

They are available at the Robert R. Muntz Library at the University of Texas at Tyler, Texas.
Please feel free to contact Vicki Betts, Professional Librarian: Cataloging and Reference

University of Texas at Tyler                                        Office phone:  1-903-566-7344
3900 University Blvd.                                               Fax:  1-903-566-2513
Tyler, TX 75799                                                     Email: vbetts@mail.uttyl.edu

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