I was visiting my bottle source yesterday. (Grandmama. Not my Grandmother, but a friend of mine who I cleaned out her shed of bottles. Now she and her friends have been finding more for me!) I'm going to end up with almost 400 bottles! Maybe I shoudl change my name of "Charlie" and the 3 ladies, i could call my "Angels?"
One of the Gannies said I should visit this place that is off the "main drag". It's a junk/antique shop.
So i did. There was one sction of about 6 feet wide by 6 feet tall shelves full of insulators!
(I'm not an insulator collect, but 3 weeks ago I wasn't a bottle collector either. I'm a gold prospector and relic hunter!)
SO, I bought 6 insulators for $25.
Please be honest. Did I do OK, Good or Bad?
Here's what I ended up with:
Whitall Tatum 511A
Whitall Tatum #10
Kemble 830 Tempered
Hemingray #56
Hemingray #42
Hemingray Green soaking to get clean No # but "Patent May 2 1893" (I know it's not that old.) It has a burn mark on it that propbably won't come off.
Small chip on tfront, but glass isn't out of it yet! (I think it happened while driving back.)
$64,000 Question. For $25 did I do good? OK, or terrible???
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