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Hays MarkI TR Detector

Hays Electronics MarkI Mark II TR Metal Detectors

The Hays Mark II detector, is a TR type detector that operates somewhere around 100 Khz in frequency.

Powered by a single 9 volt alkaline transistor battery, the Mark I-II has only one control, an on/off/ tuning control.

Adjustment is as simple as turning the detector on and rotating the control until a slight threshold signal is heard and begin searching. The control unit is made of plastic, and the coil is, 5.5 MI and 8 MII inches.

The Mark-1 Metal Detector was designed and manufactured by Bill Hays of Hays Electronics in 1962, using an 8-inch search loop, the first of that size on the market at that time. The standard size in 1962 was the 11-inch loop.

In 1963 Hays Electronics introduced the first 5.5-inch loop on the the mark-2 Metal Detector. It was very sensitive for small objects and it had a depth range of 30 inches on large objects.

Today about 70% of all mark-1 and mark-2 metal detectors are bought by utility companies. Most utility companies want an all-metal detector and have no need for a discrimination detector.

In sales the Mark-1 and Mark-2 metal detectors have sold over 70,286 machines as of December 23, 2001.

No longer made:

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Keywords: Hays MarkI MarkII Metal Detector 

Posted by: oRo February 19, 2009, 10:04:33 am

Rating: *** by 2 members.

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