Subdomain Rules provides subdomains at no charge. However, subdomains use system resources, such as disk space and server bandwidth. So there are some rules.
1. Subdomain pages are only for web sites that are relevant to metal detecting, prospecting or treasure hunting. If you are unsure, ask.
2. has full access to all subdomains, their content, and their usage logs. Any attempt to use a subdomain to hide unrelated content, run malicious scripts, send Spam, etc. will result in cancellation of the subdomain.
3. User is solely responsible for maintaining backups of subdomain content. Should there be a catastrophic server crash (there hasn't been one yet) or a malicious hacker, will not be able to provide restoration copies of subdomain content.
4. User is responsible for creating content. does not provide web page services.
5. Subdomains may be used for small commercial ventures. See #2. All items advertised on subdomains must be described accurately and truthfully. (Court standards of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.)
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« Last Edit: August 23, 2006, 05:33:21 am by admin »