Here are some brief instructions along with the matching screenshots on how to post something on your homepage using our easy to use all form based software.
1. In order to make a new post log in and and click on 'New Post' (see picture 1.jpg)
2. Now you will be promted to a form where you can submitt your posting. Give the posting a title, post summary and if needed an expended post body (which will be displayed on a new pages when clicking on the post summary)
Posting attachments may be a bit tricky on the first run. Here is how it works:
Click 'Manage Attachments'. (see 2.jpg)
3. Now a new window opens where you can manage your attachments. First browse for all the files on your hard drive that you want to attach. You can attach up to 5 different files. (1.)
Next cick the 'Upload' Button to upload your files to the server (2.)
See also 3.jpg for reference
4. Press the 'Back' Link (see picture 4.jpg)
5. Now select the pictures you want to attach from those you had uploaded on the server by highlightening them (1.) and chossing the necessary options (2.) That is if you want to have the server display them as thumbnails (recommended for larger pictures - they will resize to their ordinary size when clicking the thumbnail). Furthermore select if they should be displayed in the post summary or or post body.
Press the 'Attach Files' Button and your are done.
See also picture 5.jpg for reference
6. Last but not least submit your posting by pressing the 'Post' Button back on the 'Write a new post' form page.
That's it!
To avoid any text losses best write your postings in a word processor / text editor. Safe them and then copy and paste them to the online submission form.
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There are 5 attachment(s) in this post which you can not view or downloadPlease register for viewing them. 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg
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