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« on: September 13, 2010, 10:41:34 am »
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The Chappe Castle , is probably one of the most important nodes of underground mountain of Bourbonnais (aera near Vichy in France).

Indeed, in the thirteenth century the Templars built, to Malavaux, on a hill overlooking the valley, an important stronghold. Where, after the loss of the Holy Land, their Order returned to Europe, some knights came to a young Saracen Malavaux love with one of them.
Several years passed until one day, incidentally, the young woman realizes that her lover was cheating shamelessly. In desperation, she threw herself into a well after throwing a curse against this place. And the castle became ruins. The latest remains are now covered by vegetation and a few years ago, you could see in the rubble and thick underbrush, the 'Devil's Well' and 'Fountain of the Saracen. The inhabitants of these places carefully avoided cursed.
Since this dramatic event, the area surrounding the castle are haunted by the soul of the Templars and the criminals of "the craziest of "Malavaux", whose love, threw herself into the 'Well of the Devil'. What may be the symbolism of this legend? There would be food for thought for specialists in medieval history and fans of mysteries of the Temple ...
Years ago, told a former underground connecting the fortress of the Temple in Virmeux castle, and a set of gold balls would always be buried.

Still, the bones, medals and coins were found on the site of Malavaux. Many scholars and historians long sought old documents, curious, devoted to the Templar fortress, jealously kept by a collector of Vichy. The latter never allowed anyone to be apprised.
The valley is also home of Malavaux another treasure whose historical authenticity is real. This is one of the many treasures of "Mandrin",

the famous smuggler romance, broken on the wheel in Valence, 11 May 1755, following the betrayal of his mistress.
It hid his treasure to Malavaux, after his disastrous campaign of the year 1754. Indeed, after winning a fabulous hoard in Bourgogne and Auvergne, and made some of his most famous exploits at the expense of farm workers, recipients of salt stores and tobacco warehousemen, the knight was chasing adventure. Several squadrons of dragoons and hussars M. Fischer tracked down and eventually catch him with his men, Gueunand, C?te d'Or. The smuggler lost forty-two in the fighting, including two of his lieutenants, and decided to abandon the flat to win

the Bourbonnais. A forced march, he crossed the Saone and the Loire, passed Moulins, then plunged into the mountains, where, on two occasions, he had yet to face his pursuers.

Mandrin nevertheless managed to hide his booty to Malavaux, in a cave or a hole dug somewhere in a hill behind the inn 'The Emperor's relay'.

This hill, east of the river, then contained two small abandoned quarries for many years. Then it was the last battle of Mandrin: the night of December 25 to 26, his company faces a detachment of volunteers of Flandres and the Dauphin?, commanded by M. de Turbey de Larre. The survivors threw their arms in a swamp and dispersed ... however, most are caught. Mandrin, meanwhile, disappears completely until his capture at the castle of Rochefort.
The tradition of Mandrin treasure has been preserved by a family originally set at Cusset (Savoie), not far from Malavaux, whose grandfather received confidences from the mouth of Mandrin, while it was being operated on the premises of his execution. Alas, the secret of the exact location was lost. To find the treasure of Mandrin, it should, above all, to locate the underground entrances to the fortress and the location of old quarries. And so, the inn 'The Emperor's relay' must play an important landmark.

Other strange story

Between Vichy and Roanne, lies a wooded mountain range with peaks exceeding 1,200 meters. It is the mountain Bourbonnaise, a wild folded on itself and certainly one of the most mysterious and most secret of France.
Leaving the Malavaux for this country of another age, one that reaches Glozel fans Prehistory familiar.

At the beginning of the century, in a field not far from Ferri?res-sur-Sichon, farmers discovered a unique set of stone tablets engraved with mysterious symbols constituting, perhaps, the first alphabet of humanity. But soon, the experts of prehistory struggling to deny the authenticity of the tablets, even urging that they were forgeries produced by the peasant proprietors of the field. It does not even bother to show the absurdity of such a statement when one considers the large number of these tablets: years and years of work would have proved insufficient to complete such a task. Alors, que pouvait ?tre Glozel? So what could be Glozel? Perhaps the oldest library in the history of the world ...
This mountain "Bourbonnaise" disinherited formed, throughout history, a strategic position between Burgundy, Lyonnais, and Auvergne. Hence a wealth of castles and ruins just as guardians of treasures. The largest and most fascinating of these treasures is at the center of the mountain Bourbonnais, under the ruins of the prestigious Castle Montgilbert.
Today, what was once a formidable fortress, it remains only a few sections of walls and towers collapsed, overcome by the creek predestined name of 'The Prison' and assailed by vegetation ...
Montgilbert was built in the eleventh century by the family Montgilbert Le Mayet, ?(...) formidable adventurers, provides chronic, whose main occupation was to rob the merchants and travelers. Legends at once sinister and romantic ruins belong to the wild as last spinners told trembling, there is still barely a century, the vigils "Cheval Rigond", the hamlet at the foot of the castle. We talked about this young and cruel lord, who gave a ball, forced his guests, boys and girls, dancing barefoot, and at the height of the party, threw hot coals on the ground.
It still tells the story of a recent Montgilbert barons, whose daughter was the victim of a bad lot, and that mad pretext to banish this curse, began to slaughter in the woods all that 'they ran around his mansion.
However, being the most extraordinary marked Montgilbert was Don Rodrigo Gutteriez de Villandrando, comte de Ribad?o, Castilian noble captain

... Simple road in its infancy in France, he soon found himself at the head of five thousand men with whom he plundered 'The Plan?se' in 1427. His courage and enthusiasm triggered the enthusiasm of these men of ruffians, lone wolves, who had tied their fate to hers and for which he had become a sort of demigod. Better : his courage and his legendary strength compelled the admiration and fear of his enemies.

Villandrando fills the coffers of the whole fruit of plunder. The princes covered gold he espouses their cause in the countless feudal wars, and cities, not to be devastated, paid him tribute.
La Combe des MalavauxL?, There was once an Order of the Templars, who left a grim reminder in the country, and probably one of the most important treasures of the famous Mandrin.

However, the tide turned for this extraordinary adventure. In 1427, an order banished him from the kingdom, he nevertheless remained in the wars in various provinces until March 1439. After signing a treaty signed with escape his stepfather, Charles de Bourbon, and several secret interviews with the Dauphin, the future Louis XI, he finally returned to Spain, as he came with his only horse, her solitude and her arrogance. His treasure is found under the tower or towers Montgilbert, "about thirty feet deep. A few years ago, a missionary father, a

prominent dowser, led in the ruins by a scholar of Vichy, concludes his experience with these few words: "There is gold here." Yet no one, despite many efforts, has never found the underground Montgilbert.
The explanation of this fact is very simple: there are three floors in the ruins of rooms now filled. From here leave the galleries. It would suffice to find the points of emergence ... A castle in the neighborhood, Chappe that seems to be a true underground node linking the main strongholds of the region. Probably missed a gallery does he communicate with the ruins of Montgilbert?

The dark woods

At the heart of the mountain, a few miles south of Glozel, the ruins of Montgilbert and the Chappe castle, lies a thick forest area: 'The Black Wood'.
It is a strange forest, dotted with mountain peaks. At one of them, 'Puy de Montoncel', which reaches 1292 meters, is connected with the memory of a legend symbolic rocks resembling ghostly were the haunt of a cruel and horrible monster of a Templar Commandery Lachaux managed to put out of harm's way.

Ferri?res-sur-Sichon. At the vigil, one clings still curious stories.

Perhaps the name of the puy 'Montoncel', he recalls phonetically traditional origins of the inhabitants of 'Wood-Black. "These, indeed, until the Revolution, people engage in contraband salt. With the new regime, they are converted into the cup and the timber trade, the smuggling of salt has lost its raison d'etre.
But curiously enough, the inhabitants of 'Wood-Black' continue to live in isolation. They do not bind with the other inhabitants of the mountain Bourbonnais, marry them, and jealously guard their family traditions, with all the memories they involve going back in time to the smuggling of salt and the fight against ' gabelous'.
Until recent years, the inhabitants of 'Wood-Black, non-acceptance, as priests or teachers, or people from their mass. And many of them did not participate in the conflict of 1914-1918, have never been identified ...
Chantelle is one of the oldest sites of Bourbonnais. The city was built on the ruins of a city's oldest, burned by order of Vercingetorix practicing the tactic of 'scorched earth' to delay the advance of the Roman legions of Caesar. In 937, was built as a priory was subsequently fond of Anne of France.

The ruins of the castle, five towers and the keep, stand on a cliff. These are the only remnants of the mighty fortress of the famous Constable de Bourbon. Tradition has it that it leaves through the iron door on the night of 9 to 10 September 1523, the castle of Chantelle to join the army of Emperor Charles Quint. To identify potential pursuers, he took the precaution of having his horse shod backwards, just like that of his one faithful servant, who accompanied him. However, shortly before embarking on this expedition, the constable is buried its priceless treasure in an underground Chantelle where he hopes to return to the winner ...

The treasure of the constable is still sleeping in the ruins of the castle dismantled by the Chancellor Duprat (see on this site, my precedent article on:

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), at the instigation of the
queen mother, Louise of Savoy, whose Bourbon had once rejected the advances. The deposit was fabulous fruitless search, a few years ago by a now deceased artist. The tower, built against the church choir from Chantelle has a strange symbol. The centerpiece consists of a Greek cross in both branches of which the word AMA, the only M forming the center, and all around the planetary system, sun, moon, zodiacal circle with these words: ?semper dilige? ? semper ama ?.
Ruins, still clings to tradition Montmorillon a greedy lord. It was named Philippe Guillard and, to attacks on the highways, he preferred the manufacture of counterfeit currency. Cruel and hated, he soon attracted the wrath of the king whose troops besieged Montmorillon. He then escaped through a tunnel after having buried his treasure. Richelieu razed the castle, thus obstructing, without knowing the mechanisms that gave access to the galleries where the treasure is still asleep.

Strange Bourbonnais, in fact, planted treasures and strange traditions, vestiges of which the origin and the mystery is lost in the mists of time ... and strange memories of a few insiders Templars ...


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« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2010, 01:21:26 pm »
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Thanks for another interesting article



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Fisher F75, Tesoro Eldorado
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2010, 12:52:00 am »
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Hi BitburgAggie_7377

My turn to thank you for reading these few lines, and I am delighted that these stories had an interest for you.

All the best

Luc  Great


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« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2010, 10:49:49 am »
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Luc, interesting material & photos. Your turf has so much - lucky you. Sue


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Fisher F75, Tesoro Eldorado
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2010, 11:56:06 am »
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Hi Sue

Thank you Sue, I'm glad that these few lines have been interest you.

A bient?t sur le forum

Kind Regards



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« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2010, 08:07:53 am »
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Hello Luc

Thank you for the interesting treasure stories.

I cannot get enough of these Castles and amazing locations.



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Fisher F75, Tesoro Eldorado
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2010, 11:58:08 pm »
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Hey Hardluck

Many thanks

kind regards



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« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2010, 11:46:11 am »
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thanks for sharring,I have recurring dreams of weird castles andcircular  stone starecases and tunnels all the time....?


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Fisher F75, Tesoro Eldorado
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2010, 11:54:35 am »
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Hey cuirava

Thanks you, it's a pleasure to give one small dream part.

Kind regards


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« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2011, 03:54:23 pm »
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I live in Clermont Ferrand, nearly 50 km from Vichy. I know all the place you talk about, and a little bit of their stories. last week, I went 3 times to the Malavaux, wich is (was !!) a wonderfull place.
I will put pictures of this place.the problem is that now it's a "quarry stone", so, a part of the mountains have dissapeared. it's very difficult to find places we can see on old postcards, like the restaurant who don't exist anymore.

somebody told me that Mandrin' treasure has been already find by someone who didn't declare it.

Posted on: March 20, 2011, 03:39:17 PM
I will take time to translate all the message (as you can see, my english is not that good !!!)
I will tell you what I know about those places, if you have any more information, I would be happy to know !!

Posted on: March 20, 2011, 03:47:34 PM
message ? Luc, apparemment t'es Fran?ais ! ?a m'arrange pour discuter ! tu connais d'autres choses sur les Malavaux ?
faut que je poste 5 messages pour pouvoir faire un copier de ton message et pour ensuite le traduire ...
tu es d?j? venu en Auvergne ?


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