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Offline seahawke2003Topic starter
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« on: May 12, 2010, 02:18:08 pm »
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These days, besides diving for the relics of the 1715 Plate Fleet, I have taken on the task for securing investors for one of the sub-contractors under the Mel Fisher organization. The sites are proven to hold much more treasure than originally thought, but as we all know, finding it is why we call it 'treasure hunting' and not 'treasure picking up when we want.' The mel Fishers, Bob marxs' and other pioneers in the industry have all proven that the wrecks are down there; they just need to be found.

All that being said, I would be glad to discuss with you the opportunities that exist with Goldhound Treasure Divers, out of Sebastian, Florida. We have increments that will allow you a substantial return for your annual investment as well as the choice of continuing your 'part-ownership' of the company for another season to follow. Whether you have just $1000, $2500, $5000, or $50,000, we would like to show you how we can give you a respectable ROI. As with all investments, there is always a certain amount of risk involved and we will clearly explain what risks are evident, and which areas of operations that may experience unforeseen risks. The bottomline is that we aren't going to blow smoke at you, or make promises we can't keep.

For more information on how you can join our group, please contact me, Charles Olson at 772-626-5738, or email at: seahawke2003@yahoo.com. it should be noted that all of our investors will have the opportunity to dive the 1715 wrecks that we are working, which will be an experience of a lifetime.

Bubbles Up!


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Offline virg

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« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 05:49:42 pm »
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I have found both brazilian and munoz emeralds from the 1715 for a dozen yrs. would love to talk to you.


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