Hi, newbie at detecting here, had my first day out yesterday on my local beach(UK) with my Fisher CZ7a, when I got to the beach I forgot how to ground balance the machine!, so just detected anyway, still found some stuff, mostly junk, a 1 penny(my first coin) at about a good 6 inches down in wet sand, a couple of buttons(nothing special though), aluminium washer, electrical wire, plenty of Iron, and so on!.
Didn't dig a single ring pull, that was a surprise to me!.
Was in All Metal Mode, was happy with the way the machine was working, pin point is very good on this machine, wasn't so sure about when I switched to I-D mode as the LCD screen was hard to make sense of what with being in the UK.
Need to take the manual next time so I can remember how to ground balance properly. And need to learn the tones better, and when to dig and when not too!, I just dug everything and the beach I was on had a LOT of Iron.
Was a great time, definitely addicted and happy I took up this hobby.
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« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 04:16:27 am by markymark »