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9 function discrminator, Sears discriminator.
« on: May 01, 2009, 10:32:05 am »
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Hello Everyone,
                    Coincounter had made a post about firearms that were turned into the police and what was done with them. Well I decided to make a post here as a caution to my fellow
Treasure Hunters. Nowdays when weapons marked for destruction are cut up or torched by local mills that have the capability of making sure that these weapons will never hit the street again. Before this type of distruction was done, Some agencies used to place them in
55 gal drums after dismantling them, with concreate in the bottom of the drum and then welding the top of the drum shut. It is unknown how many police agencies did this. However
If you ever come upon one of these I would'nt even bother with it because if a person is found in the possession of a weapon that was marked destroyed one will find that it is more trouble than the salavage is worth. I was told the last time this type of destruction was done was in the early 70's. I was told where some of these drums are located, would I love to get them I sure would!!!!!! But is it worth getting a bunch of headaches and possible jail time NO WAY!! I just thought Id pass this tid- bit along. As Always Best Wishes & Happy Hunting,,,Rob


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« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2009, 11:22:26 am »
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That would make my day!

How are you going to be in trouble if a law agency falsifies Record?

One entry found.


Main Entry: de?stroy 
Pronunciation: \di-ˈstrȯi, dē-\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French destroy-, destrui-, stem of destrure, from Vulgar Latin *destrugere, alteration of Latin destruere, from de- + struere to build ? more at structure
Date: 13th century
transitive verb
1: to ruin the structure, organic existence, or condition of <destroyed the files> ; also : to ruin as if by tearing to shreds <their reputation was destroyed>
2 a: to put out of existence : kill <destroy an injured horse> b: neutralize <the moon destroys the light of the stars> c: annihilate, vanquish <armies had been crippled but not destroyed ? W. L. Shirer>
intransitive verb
: to cause destruction


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Offline Treasurehunter01253Topic starter
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9 function discrminator, Sears discriminator.
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2009, 11:30:45 am »
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             Once a weapon is considered destroyed by authorties and,if the parts thereof or any whole firearm listed as destroyed is found in the hands of a civilian after it
has been logged as destroyed said civilian or citizan whichever you prefer will go to jail.
There are police officers that have been jailed for this offence.  As for me I enjoy my freedom just a bit to much! In this case its better to leave these guns in thier resting place.....Rob


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« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 11:36:19 am by Treasurehunter01253 »
Offline Homefire
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« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2009, 12:51:08 pm »
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Checking this one out!

All I can find about New Mexico is that you would have to turn them in as lost and found.

Funny, New Mexico has no requirement for a gun owner to report stolen or lost Fire Arms.

I can't help but wonder it they would claim them?

If in Fact they had been used in the commission of a crime, all evidence and legal issues would all ready be in the works and they would not be in the spot light any more.

Being on the Border,  They dug up 8 million dollars in a duffel bag just 100ft off of my property line.

I would emagine there are Fire Arms out there as well.


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« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2009, 08:51:46 pm »
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Posted this subject on the Firing Line Forum.

It seems to be a subjective subject and what little responses it got are mixed.

Subject was shut down as a no brainier.

I would have to deal with it as I found it.

Local laws would come to play.

Property would come to play.

There is no National Registration on Fire Arms.

If you Purchase one from any place other then a FFL dealer, there is little to no Paper on them.  These most likely happened way before there was as 

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   was not required.

As this practice was years ago, and would not be conducted (WITHIN THE LAW) today, I dought many will be found while still in usable condition.

I would not wish to become number 8876668 in the penal system.

But I would have a hard time walking away from  a few thousand dollars in parts.

The only part of a Fire Arm that is controlled by number is the Receiver and or Frame.

All other parts would be fair game.   

Would that be the Right thing to do? 


But would I be Temped ?   


Would I do it?    I really Don&#039;t Know!


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« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2009, 09:09:27 am »
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Interesting. I wonder why they just didnt cut them up or melt them.


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9 function discrminator, Sears discriminator.
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2009, 11:27:08 am »
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Hi airwing,
              In this instance they had the police armor dismantle the weapons in question
and they fellt at the time it was the best way for them to keep control over them, The police dept then would go out at such a time when no-one was around, and sink them.
               The one agency that I know of that did this now has them destroyed at foundry
that has the contract to dispose of these firarms. But even then they have police officals
watch during the process,so that none can be shall we say lost and recovered at a later time. Best Wishes ,,,,Rob



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« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2009, 05:40:13 pm »
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They also melt down guns where I work, they throw them in a iron ladle that will be filled with molten 2500 degree iron
& poured into a vessel with scrap to produce 250 tons of molten steel. They also burn drugs in the same way. I've stood
right next to them & watched some beautiful, perhaps valuable pieces thrown in. IMO, if it wasn't so much more about
'gun control' & wanting to dis-arm America, many of these guns would make a lot more money for law enforcement if they
were just recorded & legally re-sold to legal law abiding citizens or even gun collectors. But that is not what their 'gun
buy-back agenda' is for. It's all about control.   


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« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2009, 06:55:29 pm »
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Back in 67/ 68,from what I understand, a police agency  used to dump guns off the western florida coast. Some character had a wife or girl friend that knew when they were being taken out, and would notify him.. He and a bunch of friends would be in the area fishing. When the police left, they would hang around, mark the spot, leave and come back in a day or so to do some diving..He was selling salvaged guns for $15, and $20 dollars each..Never knew who he was or when in town or I would have purchased a few for parts..Actually not, wqs usually near broke in those days...Cordially Nad


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« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2009, 06:50:02 pm »
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If ever around Ft. Bragg, NC, I'd stay away from victory pond.  I have no first hand knowledge, but have heard of many a training round making it into the bottom rather than the stacks of paperwork being done to turn them in.


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