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« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2016, 09:06:04 pm »
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Quote:Posted by shortribs
The electroscope is a voltage locator rod.   (I use to sell them)the carl Anderson is a loaded rod for what u are looking for. the scope is just 2 voltages would be like 1.4 volts for gold and 1.7 volts for silver (this is just an example as not the real voltages because I forgot real voltages) the carl Anderson has some loads in it and u add a witness for what ever u want like gold or silver. the scope only has 2 voltages to use as has a switch for one or the other. the scope somestimes I find will pull to iron I don't know when or why and sometimes it wont. The carl Anderson is fashioned for human power and scope is battery powered so each is different in the way it works. the scope is about 600$ and the carl Anderson #3 is about 2700$. I use a custom rod somewhat like the carl Anderson and for close work I use the scope like in playgrounds. But that's just me as don't know how far each will PULL to a WANTED TARGE. I don't use mine for more than a block distance, and if I think I have a cache somewhere I have it map DOWSED first to get in the general area and there is some good dowsers on the net for free.  just my thoughts . There is a lot of rods and power units on the web for sale and I have used about 5 kinds. the mfd's with battery power works good too as I have one also that is a custom made mfd for me. My first choice would be an mfd then a carl Anderson then an electroscope but they will all work sometimes it's just u  have to practice and practice till u feel comfortable u can use something.  As mentioned some poo poo the rods and scopes so each his own. I wouldn't put out a lot of money for a rod or scope till I bought a used one as most people will not practice before going out and finding nothing because they didnt know what they were doing.  shortribs

If it works for you that’s great.
I don’t know if you are aware of the LRL challenge, but here is the link to it.

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There are $25000 US up for grabs since 2010 to anyone that can prove that and LRL works.
Have a look


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« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 09:07:24 pm by nickel_n »

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« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2016, 06:15:44 am »
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Hey N  yes I'm aware of the  challenge and I'm not getting in to that one.I'm just saying to the newbies that it takes practice or else ur not gonna find anything. He was wanting to know I guess if they work or not. I'm not gonna get into a battle over the yes no thing as they work for me and if they don't work for others then that's fine by me, as I'm easy goin' and see no need for ridicule about something that most people cant do or use properly.kinda like trying to dowse,u gotta practice a lot to get anywhere with the rods. I've enjoyed my experiences with rods and scopes thru the years and it keeps me busy and off the streets as they say and met some wonderful people along the way of my 45-46 yrs of cache hunting. And also found some things and a few rings for people.Nothing more satisfying than to see the face of someone when u find their wedding ring etc and the tears that's shed when u give them their lost rings etc back.    shortribs


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« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2016, 02:24:59 pm »
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Quote:Posted by shortribs

Nothing more satisfying than to see the face of someone when u find their wedding ring etc and the tears that's shed when u give them their lost rings etc back.    shortribs

You are right.


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« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2016, 03:07:08 pm »
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  if I had one that worked I would jump on it.  Yep Easy Money.


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« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2016, 03:58:58 pm »
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Quote:Posted by homefire
  if I had one that worked I would jump on it.  Yep Easy Money.

First! Forget all you know about electronics.
You need to convince yourself that it does work,
before you start using one successfully.
I personally get stack on the second step


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« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2016, 04:16:29 pm »
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   I just find it upsetting seeing folks get ripped off.


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« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2016, 07:31:53 pm »
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Yes Homie it strikes me as sad the way the vultures get money out of people. I honestly believe that most people can dowse or use electric rods. u just have to practice and practice and practice. Back in the 70's when I started dowsing and progressed to mfd's and then to electroscopes and back to mfd's (modified for me) and sometimes use a Carl Anderson. In reality he had something going and still does but Carl's son in law owns the rights and has the answer as to what's in his rods and another guy in Idaho I believe knows the items of a Anderson rod as he sells them for around 850$ and simmons is 2700$ which in my opinion is un real of a price. The teleprospector sells one like simmons for 350$ which I also have and it works good for what I do. Its just a matter of self control and believing in yourself. and if some one does not believe then have them stand far away from you when u dowse etc. I've had people called me nuts and a fake etc but when it comes time to find their watch or diamond ring whether on land or in water and u find it then things change and their opinions.  U can dowse or use an rod Homie just think positive and forget about the price and never buy a high priced rod or mfd.  just my thoughts  U can do it   It's just the vultures out there that make it bad for all of us.   shortribs


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« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2024, 11:18:59 am »
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Is a mfd the brand manufacturer   ?

Posted on: January 04, 2024, 11:13:25 am
There are a few amrican made brass rods between 199 the other is ionic ever hear of these ? to 500 some are 24k plated and one has a chamber

Posted on: January 04, 2024, 11:17:31 am
199 to 500


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i have tried many machines found out one thing as long as you are good and learn your machine well you will do well

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