I was metal detecting an old home site from the 1800's. I got a signal that was registering pretty good and when I dug it, I found several mason jar lids, along with some broken glass plates and crocs. I started to wonder if I found a trash site. I dug some more dirt away and found a bottle that was in tact with the exception of part of the mouth missing. Attached is a photo. It's got O M Schmidt & CO on the bottle. Any ideas? I did find a lot of other bottles, but this was the only one that was close to being complete.
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Luke Naliborski 2012 Stats 1-Indian Head 137 - Memorial 10 - Wheaties 19 - Jefferson Nickels 34 - Rosie Dimes 1 - Silver Dime 14 - Wash Quarters 1 - Kennedy Half 3 - Military Button Oddest Find - German Military Medal 1849 Oldest Coin Find - Indian Head 1883