Hi ev´rybody,
As I´m currently looking for a new metal detector, because my toy only has 6in penetration, I saw this new hi-tech Long Range Locators. I´ve been astounded about their capabilities, and if true, would render all metal detectors, including Ground Penetrating Radar, useless.
As my "too good to be true" sixth-sense tells me, first I looked upon their manuals, and gathered some information. i´m not an expert but as electronics technician I find really difficult such a device could be built. However, there reports that those devices work. Also, there are respectable detector companies that are manufacturing them.
Some forums discuss that those devices involve dowsing, because they use "body energies" or so. However, Even if energy from the body might be amplified, I think it´t just impossible to interpret the way it´s used. And the capability of detecting gold at 1 mile or so, deep underground is amazing for a device that size.
I saw some of this devices use Android-based smart phones as human interface. So based in all this facts I would say IMHO the only way those devices may work would be is as follows. (before continuing, please understand I´m not an expert and I´d appreciate intelligent comments that could enlight my troubled mind.):
We know american and russian satellites have been surveying the earth surface for decades. We also know that some very precise instruments in satellites, have been detecting cosmic radiation that go thru the whole earth and come out on the opposite side. It´s been said that after that, cosmic radiation intensity only diminishes 50%. So powerful are those rays.
At this time, I guess this satellites have squandered the whole earth many times. With the increase in precision, I am sure they have mapped the whole surface down to the centimeter range, and it´s my guess it´s possible to find out the composition by studying the way that radiation emerges from the earth. As I said, Satellites sensors point to the earth to detect cosmig radiation coming from the other side and cross the entire globe.
So, it´s possible to know all places in earth where gold is located buried at no matter what depth based on the signature gold and silver atoms leave in this radiation after passing thru. After all, it was a kind of similar experiment Ernest Rutherford performed more than a century ago.
Now, We have a map of all gold locations on earth Including of course, museums, all women jewel boxes, gold parts in electronic equipment etc. So, it´s a complicated map with no way of telling which gold is owned, and what gold is just lying underground waiting to be "discovered". The only way is direct observation.
Then those smart guys somehow get that information map, download all this coordinates in a Long Range Locator. This LRL has a GPS or, uses the GPS of the smartphone, and using a simple built-in camera application similar to those fancy views of the street with the titles of the stores, hotels, street names, etc. they "point" in the direction of the closest gold location coordinates from the place you are operating your LRL. Then when you move 20 meters left or right, the pointing direction changes, and by crossing the lines, you get to the exact place gold is located.
My question is: can this be possible? I hope you can help me out with this.
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