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Offline Chris
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« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2006, 02:46:41 am »
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Quote:Posted by {author}
Produce a signal stronger than the law allows an LRL to broadcast?

Sorry Charlie...Wrong again...Could you please tell me what the two LRL's you talk about have to do with L-Rods.

No.  You are sadly wrong.  

Please re-read your own posting.  You said you don't know anything about electronics.  I believe you completely.  I, on the other hand, do have a working knowledge of electronics.  I've examined the LRLs I spoke of (and others), and I can tell you for certain they DO NOT broadcast a signal!  Now, since you freely admit you know nothing about electronics; ---how can you continue to argue the point?  What is the basis for your argument?  

If you fell off your front porch steps, broke your arm and the bones were protruding the skin; ---as the doctor was trying to set your broken bones, would you tell him "never mind, it's really not broken, just badly sprained"?   Huh?

BTW, L-rods and LRLs are one in the same thing.  LRL stands for long range locator.  A bent piece of wire is an LRL, an Electroscope is an LRL, a needle tied to the end of a piece of thread is an LRL.  Now do you see the sameness?

Art, you appear to be extremely stubborn... and you delight in taking part in a "circular debate".  A circular debate is one that resembles a TV soap opera.  It has a beginning, but it has no end, and no point... it just IS.  In reality it is a big time sink... a black hole.

Your mind is closed to the laws of basic physics and science, closed like a steel trap.  You don't understand ordinary physics and science and when someone who does understand, tries to educate you ---you take issue with them.  You are not qualified to take issue with them (you adimitted that yourself), neither are you qualified to set your own broken bones.

Clearly, you are not going to change your mind on these issues, and no one is going to rewrite the basic laws of physics and science to comply with your "wish science".  

You are a victim of a most compelling force, known as the ideomotor effect.  You are not the first, and you won't be the last.

If you derive certain pleasures from being a slave to the ideomotor effect, and want to maintain your "wish science" as if it were real --that's entirely up to you.  

I might still make input to your "circular debate" from time to time, but I hope you understand that I don't have the same amount of time to waste ---that you obviously do.

I really feel sorry for you... and the others like you.   Cry


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Offline Chris
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« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2006, 06:09:02 am »
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Quote:Posted by {author}

I realize it's wasted sympathy, but I am a compassionate person.  

I feel sorry for Sam S.....and the others like him because they are unable to comprehend that , "The door to knowledge & new understanding is never open to a closed, or prejudiced mind"  

Harmonic connections, (Signal lines) occur between chemical elements in nature. It is a part of Physics. Electronics don't create or change physics, but help provide  methods that offer some manual  control and direction.

YES, the  external "fields"  which can be metered with the use of Dowsing Rod(s), or electronic metering, can,  be overriden with a small pak of low power electronics, in effect neutralizing and voiding the area of  detectable "fields"

"WHAT HAS BEEN DONE, CAN BE DONE"   meaning, It is no longer questionable, or debatable.  Dell

As usual, you've added nothing positive, only more of the same feeble advertising for your scam products.

"WHAT CAN'T BE DONE, CAN BE LIED ABOUT"  meaning, Wish Science is what you base all your scam products on and not once in your whole career of bilking folks out of their money have you ever offered a shred of proof to back up your claims.  (Or... to quote Art, not once have you offered a shred of prove.)  

You are pitiful...  


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Offline art3811Topic starter
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« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2006, 06:45:14 am »
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BTW, L-rods and LRLs are one in the same thing. LRL stands for long range locator. A bent piece of wire is an LRL, an Electroscope is an LRL, a needle tied to the end of a piece of thread is an LRL. Now do you see the sameness?
Quote:Posted by {author}



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Offline art3811Topic starter
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« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2006, 11:37:14 am »
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Randi's and Carls are Flawed

This so called Double Blind test will only prove if some one can win the money. It will not prove that dowsing works or not. It may or may not prove that one person can pass the test. Your may want to read a little about Double Blind Tests. In a single-blind experiment, the individual subjects do not know whether they are so-called "test" subjects or members of an "experimental control" group. In a double-blind experiment, neither the individuals nor the researchers know who belongs to the control group and the experimental group.  

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This guy gives some interesting facts about Double Blind Testing.  

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Sorry..My tests is not a double blind either...


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« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 11:38:54 am by art3811 »
Offline Chris
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« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2006, 01:34:09 pm »
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Quote:Posted by {author}

Chris, again I ask you to please refrain from making false, unsubstanstiated allegations about me, the products I use, and character assinations of  folks participating  in THunting.com  forums. Show some respect!

"Poision pen" postings is a form of bashing, and does not  fall within the rules,  guidlines, respect, etiquette, or rational behavior  being exercised by other  participants of this forum.

I don't think this subject was  created for, or intended as a public platform to serve the destructive agenda of prejudicial Skeptic cult antagonists.   Dell

Dell, take a look at the title for this particular section of the forum:

Unconventional methods used by some Treasure Hunters & Prospectors. Long Rang Locators, Frequency Discriminators, Harmonic Induction, Magnetics. Do they work?

Any input I've offered has merely been in an effort to answer the question: Do they work?

You are the only one who is calling people names (i.e. cult members, antagonists, etc., etc.).  You have no reason to call anyone a cult member OR a antagonist, just because they are answering the question: Do they work?

You jumped in, at your choice.  If you don't like the theme of this particular section of the forums, why don't you keep your input (advertising) in the "dowsing" section.  Otherwise, I suggest you learn to live with the truth... and the answers to the  question.


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