I never use notch or increase the discrimination from minimum. At minimum the rejection is really still to high.
You could move the jumper on the circuit board to switch off "tones". Mine goes a little deeper and you can sweep a bit faster and cover more ground.
I've a few coils Minelab and Detech but my favourite is the SunRay 12". Funny thing is it doesn't seem to work as well on the later GT version.
Try "ground balancing" by use of the sensitivity control. Set sens. to minimum with slight threshold. Start bobbing the coil and advance the sensitivity until the threshold starts to null. Fractionally turn the control back the other way whilst still bobbing until you have a nice steady threshold.
Some sites will need a reduction in sensitivity to improve the audio response. Its not a hard and fast rule, ground conditions change things.
If you sticking with tones, which should have been the default on the detector, make certain your headphones suit the output.
If you have only the V shaped "shoe" in front of the handgrip then the detector will feel heavy even with the stock coil. Later production runs also had a rear mounted one under the armrest. Worth fitting (they cost very little) and make all the difference especially with 14" plus coils.I finally gave in and fitted an alloy straight shaft. Hip or chest mounting the control box will also work but makes the coil wire breakdown at the control box.
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