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« on: September 13, 2009, 04:22:37 pm »
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The entire article is over 5 megs too big for the 1 meg allowance therefore this had to be broken down into several parts sorry for any inconvenience but its the only way i can do it so you get the whole story.

Amazing Sutton Hoo Treasure Secrets.
By Alan Hassell ? 27-02-08
For those that remember me, I am no stranger to Treasure Hunting. 
Whilst others were chasing gold on the goldfields of Australia of which I also wrote many articles.  I decided to find a new goldfield one that some had attempted to exploit but were never successful. 
Yes, it was I who finally after a lot of trial and many errors that finally opened up a new area in metal detecting, which I called Shallow Water metal detecting.
The proof of this is in the many back issues of magazines going back to the 1983 era.
At first many thought I was mad getting into the water but as time went on and those that followed my footsteps and writings found that it was a very lucrative diversion from the gold fields.
Then in 1988 I returned to the UK for a much bigger quest and for security reasons, I never really mentioned the purpose of my trip.
For had I revealed that I was going to look for the Legendry King Arthur some would of thought I had gone off my rocker, because many thought the story a myth a fairy tale.
History is a powerful political tool and sometimes what you read or are told by the so called Academics of the Establishment can be a load of invented rubbish.
History was one of my favourite subjects whilst being educated and it never stopped after I left school behind me.  In fact most of the stuff I learnt I had to forget in order to get a clear understanding of the real history as it was written. Not the stuff I was taught which was reinvented rubbish.
I questioned why books written before the 15th Century told a far different history to what was being published and foisted on the general public as being the truth, the whole truth and nothing but.
Why was it that King Arthur, the greatest King of legend simply disappeared when documents which are still available today prove otherwise?
Something was drastically wrong and I wanted to know why and be able to come up with objective and conclusive answers. 
No easy task really, however, a very wise man I wrote about who salvaged the Niagra told me to get the gods on your side.
This I did with the help of two of Briton?s best historians on the subject, Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett who between them had devoted the best part of their lives researching the subject.
During my visits in the UK I also promoted Shallow water detecting over there and had articles published in treasure hunter magazine.
I also went on Rallies and did lectures the same as I had done so in Australia promoting my favourite hobby which was too big for one man to have on his own.
John Castle who also wrote for Treasure Hunter Magazine had an interest in water detecting and worked for Joanne Allen a dealer in Biggin Hill, Kent.
Before returning to Australia I visited his shop to say farewell and noticed a book called Artorious Rex rediscovered by Alan Wilson which I bought.
They even had a contact phone number and had published several other books, during the phone call to Alan I ordered all the books they published and they arranged to post them to me in Australia.
Knowledge is the most important thing you can obtain today, you cannot get enough of it if you are to be successful in anything you do or even write about.
People forget that history was written about as it actually happened and many of the documents that were written in the so called DARK AGES are still available to be read even today.
There is no Dark Age it is an invention about a time that Political correctness and the Power of the church would like you not to know about.
There?s and old saying feed them on horseshit and keep them in the dark like mushrooms.
Sad as it might sound, that is exactly what the so called establishment have been doing for centuries.
Politicians today are doing exactly the same thing covering up things and that even if it?s something trivial like their expenses or other things they don?t want you to know about.
Obtaining proof that mistakes had taken place is no easy matter, the establishment is a powerful body to deal with and they have nothing to lose and everything to protect even if they used lies and deception to do it.
Before the Second World War an archaeological dig took place at Sutton Hoo which is near Woodbridge in Norfolk, a ship was found in one of the burial mounds situated there.
The finders at the time described it as an Anglo Saxon ship which was believed to have been buried with a Saxon King called Raedwald.   How they came to that conclusion is anyone?s guess.
Although no human remains were found in the ship, what was found is today classed as one of England?s greatest treasures and it?s called the Sutton Hoo Treasure.
First take a look in any of the writings about how the ship was built and you will find that iron nails were used in its construction.

Julius Caesar wrote how the Britons used iron nails to build their ocean going ships, how interesting.
The Saxons on the other hand used wooden dowels to join their ships together, strange that the archaeologists never realised the importance of the iron nails.
Obtaining photographs of one of these nails or rivets as they are called at the British Museum proved to be a difficult task as none are on display in the many cabinets dedicated to the ship.
During my 20 odd year?s research into King Arthur, I actually visited the area where King Arthur obtained his iron from.
And yes you can still find iron nodules there together with a hell of a lot or iron stone of which I know much owing to prospecting in Australia where there are many sites containing iron stone.
So if King Arthur and the men under his command were obtaining iron, lead and other metals from this very rich mineral resource area, then it is likely he and others before him were able to make iron nails to make his fleet of ships and have what was known as the greatest navy as it is today.
Arthur of all people knew the importance of armour and to make it he needed a constant supply of iron which is found in his Kingdom Wales which in those days was known as Britain.

King Arthur?s iron mines, hidden away for centuries in the mountains of Wales.
Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett did a small archaeological dig on this site and iron nodules were found.  Although it?s barren today, one could imagine men prospecting and digging up the nodules that were taken away for smelting and turning it into iron.
Iron was a much sought after metal and those that had it protected it source because it was a valuable commodity and not one willingly shared with ones enemies.
Apart from the using iron to make nails for their ships they also made weapons from it as other objects were found including a much rusted iron sword that had to be x-rayed in order to identify it.

However there were several parts that were fabricated as seen with the handle.

In Mallory?s Mort d? Arthur, he describes how Bedivere was told to throw his bejewelled sword into the lake.  Judge for yourself, but was Mallory writing fiction?
Using the x-rays the British Museum had a replica sword made in a similar fashion to the one found in the

During Arthur?s day Blacksmiths spent many hours if not days or weeks creating weapons such as this working over red hot furnaces and finally hardening the finished product and putting the final cutting edge onto the sword.

The two arrows represent the Awen character that are used in the Coelbren Alphabet this signifies it is the property of the King and is still used throughout Britain and can be found all over the place. It was once used on prisoner?s uniforms too.


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« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 05:08:42 am by Christian »
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« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2009, 05:22:13 pm »
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Quote:Posted by Alan Hassell
Yes, it was I who finally after a lot of trial and many errors that finally opened up a new area in metal detecting, which I called Shallow Water metal detecting.
The proof of this is in the many back issues of magazines going back to the 1983 era.
At first many thought I was mad getting into the water but as time went on and those that followed my footsteps and writings found that it was a very lucrative diversion from the gold fields.


While you were still dreaming about shallow water treasure hunting, some of us were doing it. I took one of those giant waterproof plastic flashlights and mounted a Garrett VLF/TR into it taking advantage of their waterproof coil to dive off Portsmouth, Va in 1976. Using a hookah and that detector I found hundreds of rings and jewelry at a beach which was used for over 150 years. At depths of around 2 meters, the beach was a gold mine and probably still is.

Would you explain how you created this concept after I and a few others in Virginia were doing our level best to clean out this shallow water beach area? I actually built my detector and tested it a full 10 years prior to your articles. But I wasn't the first to do this. Steve at H&S Detector Center in Norfolk,Va gave me the idea to build one like his that he'd been using for 10 years already. The only difference between his and mine was the level of technology I put in mine versus his. We didn't use headphones either. A small light would flash through a plastic window to tell us of a discovery. I tested my unit in some freshwater lakes in Connecticut as far back as 1972. Worked great.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2009, 11:49:20 pm »
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Ahhhh I figured someone would come along and say something to this effect if you go back to my website you will notice that I claimed at the time I was the first to do this in Australia.
Your talking about America where I made no such claims.
However in 1990 I did everything in my power to get shallow water detecting recognised as a hobby and finally did that when an article of mine was published in Treasure Hunting Magazine.
There are some people that share the information they learn unlike some who keep it to themselves but that is thier perogative.
I never claimed I was the first in the world to do it either....you used it in conjunction with diving... whereas I went on a different route, wading which opened up a whole new ball game to everyone.
In actual fact you can blame Don Mahoney of Miner's Den who owned and published Australian Gold Gem and Treasure because as no one else was writing about or promoting the hobby he called me the pioneer.
The hobby is well established now.
Maybe you should of written some articles and had them published too then you too could make such claims as I did. 
In hindsight its always after the event that we regret to have done something we knew we should of at the time,its no use crying later when someone steals your thunder as has happened to me on numerous occassions.

Today there's so many people involved in the hobby that loads of websites have popped up promoting the same as mine.
Some even use similar methods does it bother me.  Nahhh that was a small chapter in my life I enjoyed what i was doing at the time but I realised the hobby was too big for just one man and let others in on it too.


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« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 03:51:30 am »
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Alan, I started out wading and went to diving with my waterproofed machine a few years later. As to writing about it, why do you presume I didn't?

But, you know what, it's just not a big deal to me but it sure looks as if it is to you. It sure was nice of you to let others in on your hobby, mate.


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It's all about that moment when metal that hasn't seen the light of day for generations frees itself from the soil and presents itself to me.
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« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2010, 10:15:38 am »
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If you are for one minute trying to suggest that Sutton Hoo is the burial place of King Arthur then you are truly off your rocker. I live within a stone's throw of Sutton Hoo, have studied it for years, and have all the academic background to the finds, as well as speaking to the leading academics on the subject. You seem to have forgotten the parallels between the burial at Sutton hoo and those of Scandinavia, which are remarkably similar - both in construction and design - and yes, they too used iron nails!. King R?dwald was a member of the Wuffingas - a family that had connections in Scandinavia. You even fantasise about the sword being King Arthur's. You have obviously not studied this period in any great detail, as is obvious if you use Mallory as a source.   Arthur may have existed as a high ranking chieftain to the Britons but that's about all. He wasn't a king (beyond that of romantic fiction, much of it imported French nonsense), and he certainly wasn't buried at Sutton Hoo. That is an Anglo-Saxon burial.

If anyone can be accused of re-inventing history then it's you. If anyone here believes this fantasist then you're as barmy as he is!


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« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2010, 08:51:26 am »
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Alan is a friend of mine and I have been in contact with him for several months now by email and he has been very helpfull to myself regarding information.
I bought this to his attention and his first remark when he read your post was, "thats typical of the ignorant English who know nothing about ancient british history and attack you without a single iota of proof in an attempt to discredit you."

The person who made that entry is a new member probably an academic too because he has only made one post because he is aware that I am banned and have no right of reply to defend myself which is a rather cowardly act and typical of the English Establishment,  so I have decided to post Alan's reply as he will not return to Christians site for personal reasons.

The person who wrote this slanerdous garbage has only read part of the article and taking assumptions on my part out of context.

Grendel62 If you are for one minute trying to suggest that Sutton Hoo is the burial place of King Arthur then you are truly off your rocker.

Sorry Grendel but we already know where King Arthur is Buried and that is in his own Kingdom in Glamorgan in Wales. Maybe you should visit my own website and check out all the other finds we claim to have made?

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Grendel62  I live within a stone's throw of Sutton Hoo, have studied it for years, and have all the academic background to the finds, as well as speaking to the leading academics on the subject.

you could live in the 3rd rat hole on the left for all I care you and your so called academics only study English history and fail to read the ancient British documents including Camdens the noted and respected historian.

I, together with my associates have spent many years researching Sutton Hoo and have put it under the microscope as we were looking for the lost links to prove that the Lost tribes of Israel came to Britain and its a hard thing to prove without evidence.

However there is evidence and plenty of it all safely tucked away and hidden from the eyes of the blind especially  you and your cohorts.

Further discoveries have been made regarding the Sutton Hoo treasure ship which 
gives further information regarding its origin and the fact that it is British beyond all 
reasonable doubt.

There are certain objects that were found and are on display at the British Museum 
that if analyzed correctly link the ship to the Ten Lost tribes of Israel and cannot be 

We know there were two migrations into Britain, one in 1600 BC by the ten lost 
Tribes of Israel by Albyne, and another in 600 BC by the remnants of Troy under the  leadership of Brutas.

There is much written and available on the internet regarding the so called lost tribes 
who were never lost at all.  They knew who they were, where they were and where 
they were going and finally settled.

Most of what you find on the internet consists of Biblical references to the Ten Lost 
Tribes and who they were.

Jacob had 12 sons. Each of these sons who each formed a tribe in Israel.  These 
were: Reuben, Shimon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, 
Joseph and Benjamin. Known to history as the 12 Tribes of Israel, these tribes 
settled on both sides of the Jordan River.

Each Tribe had it own insignia or flag this is also mentioned in the bible and tell how 
each tribe could be identified by its standard or insignia.

Hmmm who said heraldry started in the middle ages another blot on the English 
establishment?s lies and fabrications.

Because I am writing a book which is almost complete and ready for publication I am 
unwilling to place vital evidence in the way of photographs on here for some people to take advantage of and make use of.

But the evidence is in the British Museum for all to see but these days people are 
unable to see the nose on their faces and are blind to the obvious.

So what proof have I got that I am prepared to share with you?

An early British historian, Camden, stated that the mines of Cornwall had been 
worked under the direction of Israelites from the Tribes of Asher, Dan, and Naphtali 
were associated together often, including their camping order in the Wilderness for 
forty years after the Exodus. 

Three tribes are mentioned here but there was another Simeon who according to the 
Roman's identified this tribe as the so called Silures of Wales.

It must be remembered that the leaders of each tribe were in fact Brothers and 
had close ties with one another and even brothers have arguments between 
themselves at times.

One of the items that I photographed were some spoons with the Coelbren Alphabet 
engraved deeply into the handle and could be translated into English?

I found an interesting passage regarding these spoons and bring it to your attention 
Here M. Costa ["Hatakh ha-zahav, hotam Shelomoh u-magen-David", Poalim, 1990, 
Hebrew, pp. 160] wrote that identical Stars of David were found on four out of ten 
similar silver bowls in the Anglo-Saxon 7th century ship burial at Sutton Hoo, near 
Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. It was discovered in 1939 and contained a wealth of 

The question is where are these four silver spoons now and why are they not 
exhibited along with the other spoons?

Maybe the reason is the engravings on the handle identified members of the lost 
Tribes of Israel and were removed from view because of political or religious 

This opens up a whole new can of worms because the deeper you delve into this 
fascinating subject the more sinister it can become in revealing the reason why this is dangerous ground especially where the Roman church is concerned.

It also casts doubt on the legitimacy of the present monarch who reigns in Britain 
because she can only trace her roots back to Noah whereas the lost tribes of Israel 
can trace their roots all the way back to Adam and Eve.

There is one object in the treasure that has always intrigued me and was unable to 
explain its use or origin until now and that is the great leaping hind on the sceptre.

Well I finally can reveal its meaning it was the emblem of the Nephtali tribe and is a 
clear indication that it identifies the ten lost tribes of Israel too.

If we go back to what Camden stated that the mines of Cornwall had been worked 
under the direction of Israelites from the Tribes of Asher, Dan, and Naphtali were 
associated together often, including their camping order in the Wilderness for forty 
years after the Exodus.

This is clear cut precise information that the Lost tribes of Israel were in Britain long before any Romans or Anglo Saxons arrived, and history books state how Britain was famous for it's metals and trade with the Romans long before the Saxons set foot in Britain. 

History tells us that Joseph of Arimathea supplied the Roman's with metals that came from Britain.  He was a Jew and a member of the Lost tribes of Israel too this cannot be disputed.

But that?s not all there?s more evidence that cannot be revealed on here this is just an  eye opener to prove that this is not fabricated or invented information.

In the Songs of the Graves there is a passage referring to El Nir and that he is buried 
in Britain too.  El Nir is none other than Jesus and he was bought to Britain by Joseph 
of Arimathea together with the holy family.

It tells exactly where J.C. was buried too which isn?t good news for the Roman Church 
especially when its credibility is under attack because of abuses made by priests and 
bishops against children in their care.

Trying to find more clues to the lost tribes of Israel and a possible candidate for who 
was buried in the Sutton Hoo ship I did a search and found this site which will give 
clear indications they were from the line of Abraham and through Levi you get to 

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As you follow the paths of family members you suddenly realise why the Roman 
Church does not want you to know all of this because it reveals its foundations were 
built on lies deceit misinformation fraud and even blackmail.

Cross my palm with silver and you will be guaranteed a place in heaven or your soul 
will rot in hell for eternity.

Why should I concern myself with the Roman Church?  I am not religious because no  one can tell me who the father of God is even if he did exist we are all born from the 
original sin there can be no exceptions its scientifically impossible.

There have been too many generations for me to go through and analyse in an 
attempt to trace who the occupant of the Sutton Hoo Treasure was at this stage, but 
having connected the ship to the lost tribes of Israel and the tribes who migrated to 
Britain through Camden proves once and for all that the English will do anything and 
everything to prove otherwise when the evidence is overwhelming and cannot be 
avoided or disputed.

You might try to make an issue over some members of the same tribes in Europe however Camden states the names of the tribes that were in Britain, living in Britain and were trading in metals with many countries. 

Those people were Britains and will always be so.  Forget about your Anglo Saxon pride and start sucking Lemons.
Germans were always bad losers anyway and the British know it all too well.

Maybe before you go around slandering others with your insidious remarks you Grendel62 should do some more research because instead of trying to humiliate myself you have shown what a bigot you are and your own ignorance of the subject.

I wonder how you are going to react when Alan Wilson and Baram Blacket publish their latest book that reveals everything including Joseph of Arimathea bringing the Holy family to Britian and revealing the location of the Grave of Jesus?

There is further evidence about the AD 562 comet too and as a gesture of goodwill I have included that to enlighten and educate people such as yourself who cant be bothered reading ancient British historical documents but get their information on the internet half of which is rubbish.

This might sound strange but documentation of a Comet is documented and recorded in Tysilio Chronicles and here is part of what is written.

At this time a star of amazing size appeared. It had one beam, and on the head of the beam was a ball of fire resembling a dragon; and from the jaws of the dragon two beams ascended, the one towards the extremity of France, and the other towards Ireland, subdividing itself into seven small beams.

Uther and all around him, alarmed by such an appearance, enquired of the learned men what it might portend. Merddyn bursting into tear.-, exclaimed, ' Sons of Britain, ye have suffered an irrecoverable loss, ye are widowed of Emrys the Great. But still ye have a king. Haste thou therefore, Uther, and engage the enemy for the whole island shall be thine. For it is thou, Uther, who art signified by this star with the head of a dragon. 

By the beam pointing over France is denoted a son of thine, who shall be great in wealth, and extensive in sway, and by that directed towards Ireland, a daughter, whose sons and grandsons shall successively govern the whole.'

Maybe you will buy my book when I get it published its full of information especially about comets, meteorites and much more.

Im not prepared to give my knowledge and hard work away for free any longer when its not appreciated you only appreciate what you have to pay for these days.

I wish to thank Lucy for doing this for me you can blame Christian and Big water for banning me because I wanted to delete my material on here which he knows is a draw card for his site.   visit my website @   

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you will see more there but sorry no more shallow water articles I had to teach myself I expect everyone to do the same no matter who they are.

thanks Lucy regards alan  Wise



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« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2010, 09:01:49 am »
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I have decided to post Alan's reply as he will not return to Christians site for personal reasons.

He can not return HE IS BANNED

As for you fighting his battles more power to you but it will not take place here.

I bought this to his attention and his first remark when he read your post was, "thats typical of the ignorant English who know nothing about ancient british history and attack you without a single iota of proof in an attempt to discredit you."

There will be no name calling, Please take this to emails of PM's


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