My name is RCAF-MATT, I guess I'm the newbie here today. I'm a buddy of Dean from Whitby and am his resident D.D. (Designated Digger). Dean appointed me to be the shovel wielding fool because I was in the air force, and according to him, "Couldn't loose much more when we hit unexploded ordnance than you've already lost as an Officer"--I'm not sure what he meant by that, but I'm sure he meant it as a compliment
I was interested in the previous post here regarding the Halifax Bomber from Norway--That "Hali-bag" was ferried into CFB Trenton on board a Hercules and I got a first hand view of it when they offloaded it about ten years ago. Dean and I have gone to see it being re-built several times at the base and last fall, they finally rolled her out! She has her own special hanger at the RCAF Museum and looks ready to take to the air again.
Of note, the tailgunner on that aircraft had survived the ditching and was still living when the aircraft was recovered. The gunner had mentioned that he had left his flask of coffee under his seat in the turret. After the recovery crews had cleaned out some of the crud, the gunner had his 50+ year old coffee returned to him
Long winded here--Thanks alot, looks like a great site, and I look forward to hearing from all of you soon.
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