Hi there. If you have a sizeable bank account and a ton of luck then I wish you good luck with the Dorothea. Since 1898 when she ran aground there have been loads of syndicates formed to get hold of the purported 120 000 ounces of Dr Kelly's Transvaal gold. As far as is known none of the gold has been recovered. As with the Grosvener there may be a hint of 'bs' here. The Grosvener was said to be carrying a solid gold ruby filled throne known as the Peacock Throne. This I think is typical of some salvors wishing to raise funds for an expedition and so add a dash of mystery, mystique to the story to try and lure in investors.
Now with the Dorothea one thinks twice as to why the owners, a Transvaal mining syndicate were so adamant to get her salvaged, spending loads on several salvage teams at the time. So, me thinks, there is a very good possibility that the gold is still there, said to be in 12 chests and some leather bags below the main mast cemented in.
I see your 'name' as Maxixe, beautiful place! I take it you do a bit of wreck research yourself then up in Moz?
All the best and will follow progress. I have several sites I can send you to.
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